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i have no idea or else i would tell you.


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Q: What happens when you show selphy the Pokemon she wants to see in leaf green?
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Where to get luxury ball in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can get the luxury ball in Leaf Green by going to Lost Cave (a surfing distance away from Five Island). You must locate Lady Selphy. She will battle you with two lv. 49 Persian. After defeating her, she'll take you to her house, which was the empty house you passed by earlier. Go talk to her when you have the Pokemon she wants to see, and she'll give you a Luxury Ball.

How do you find Selphy in lost cave in FireRed and LeafGreen?

Answerrr.Follow these wise steps to navigate the cave: Go right, up, down, down, right, left, down, right, and up. After that, you'll reach Lady Selphy, who'll battle you with two lv. 49 Persian. After defeating her, she'll take you to her house, which was the empty house you passed by earlier. Go talk to her when you have the Pokemon she wants to see, and she'll give you a Luxury Ball or Rare Candy or other random item. For items in the Lost Cave, go back and follow these steps for the items you want (begin at the start): Lax Incrense - right, downMax Revive - right, up, down, down, right, rightRare Candy - right, up, down, down, right, left, down, leftSea Incense - right, up, down, upHope i helped =]Also, if you go back to the room that you found Selphy in, there will be a silk scarf there as well.

Where do you get a luxury ball in pokemon firered?

Beat the Pokemon league and go to five island and surf to lost cave and go down the ladder.Go theese directions. Right, up, down, down, right, left, down, right, and up. Once you go theese directions lady Selphy will be there.She will battle you. She has 2 Lv.49 Persians. Once you beat her, you wil go her house. Talk to her and she will say that she whats to see this Pokemon. If you show her the Pokemon she wants to see, she'll give you the luxury ball. You can do this every day.

What are the Pokemon bill's father wants to see in Pokemon Crystal?

I've heard one of them is a lickitung because he wants to see a Pokemon with a long tongue. Hope this helps!!

On Pokemon leaf green were is the gem that celio wants?

Get past every island and then you will get the gem from a little girl on island three.Take the gem to a guy named Celio on island one.

Related questions

Where to get luxury ball in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can get the luxury ball in Leaf Green by going to Lost Cave (a surfing distance away from Five Island). You must locate Lady Selphy. She will battle you with two lv. 49 Persian. After defeating her, she'll take you to her house, which was the empty house you passed by earlier. Go talk to her when you have the Pokemon she wants to see, and she'll give you a Luxury Ball.

How do you save lady selphy in Pokemon Firered?

Selphy is found in "The Lost Cave" on Five Island. Solve the maze and then battle her two Persians. After that you will appear outside her house.To find Selphy, you go to the lost cave and from the first room, go: right, up, down, down, right, left, down, right, and up. After you find her, talk to her and she will battle you with two lv. 49 Persians. Them you will appear back at her house. If you talk to her, she will tell you a Pokemon she wants to see. If you bring it to her, she will give you a luxury ball.Also, if you give her enough Pokemon, she'll give you rarer items. For example, I got Pearls, Big Pearls and Nuggets.

How do you find Selphy in lost cave in FireRed and LeafGreen?

Answerrr.Follow these wise steps to navigate the cave: Go right, up, down, down, right, left, down, right, and up. After that, you'll reach Lady Selphy, who'll battle you with two lv. 49 Persian. After defeating her, she'll take you to her house, which was the empty house you passed by earlier. Go talk to her when you have the Pokemon she wants to see, and she'll give you a Luxury Ball or Rare Candy or other random item. For items in the Lost Cave, go back and follow these steps for the items you want (begin at the start): Lax Incrense - right, downMax Revive - right, up, down, down, right, rightRare Candy - right, up, down, down, right, left, down, leftSea Incense - right, up, down, upHope i helped =]Also, if you go back to the room that you found Selphy in, there will be a silk scarf there as well.

On Pokemon Leaf Green where is the trainer who wants an Abra?

i think in the area that u have to use cut to get to beside diglett's cave

Where do you get a luxury ball in pokemon firered?

Beat the Pokemon league and go to five island and surf to lost cave and go down the ladder.Go theese directions. Right, up, down, down, right, left, down, right, and up. Once you go theese directions lady Selphy will be there.She will battle you. She has 2 Lv.49 Persians. Once you beat her, you wil go her house. Talk to her and she will say that she whats to see this Pokemon. If you show her the Pokemon she wants to see, she'll give you the luxury ball. You can do this every day.

Where is the person who wants to trade slowpoke for lickitung in pokemon leaf green?

On the second floor of that little house between Fuchsia City and the Cycling Road.

How do you get charazard?

you get the Pokemon charizard by playing Pokemon leaf green, Pokemon fire red, Pokemon blue, Pokemon yellow, Pokemon green, or Pokemon red. when asked to choose a Pokemon for the first time choose charmander, then when you get charmander up to a high enough lvl it will evolve into charmelion, get it up enough and it will evolve into charizard.

What happens when you put 494 or higher in the Pokemon modifier?

494 = Egg 495 = Bad Egg 32768-33261 = Hybrids You can't catch these Pokemon, because it wants to display the pokedex entry afterward and glitch Pokemon don't have pokedex entrys.

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The Sky Is Blue Because It Wants To Be Blue. The Grass Is Green Becuase It Wants To Be Green.... Got A Problem..... This Was Written By Steven Crowe The Sky Is Blue Because It Wants To Be Blue. The Grass Is Green Becuase It Wants To Be Green.... Got A Problem..... This Was Written By Steven Crowe

How do you trade Pokemon with steven?

just give him the Pokemon he wants

Whet are the all Pokemon bills father wants to see in Pokemon crystal?


What are the Pokemon bill's father wants to see in Pokemon Crystal?

I've heard one of them is a lickitung because he wants to see a Pokemon with a long tongue. Hope this helps!!