Congratulations for one and two talk to prof birch and he will let you pick a johto Pokemon starter but i believe this only works in emerald also if you finish the other dexes you can go to lilycove city and get yourself a diploma from gamefreak!
No because it is a sinnoh Pokemon not a kanto, johto, or hoenn
get all hoenn Pokemon in the pokedex excluding deoxys and jirachi then go see prof birch
catch every Pokemon in the hoenn pokedex. then talk to professor birtch and he gives you one, which ever you choose
In the Hoenn Dex, there are 200 pokemon. Kadabra, Graveler, Machoke, Clamperl and Seadra don't evolve without trading, so you can't get Alakazam, Golem, Machamp, Huntail, Gorebyss and Kingdra without trading. Also, you can't catch both Latias and Latios, so you need to trade to get them. For the full Pokedex, go to and click on Pokedex.
he gives you beldum, a Pokemon from hoenn. you can't catch beldum from hoenn in jonto or kanto so don't refuse the offer!
Yes, you need to complete the Johto Pokedex to get the Hoenn Sound device, which allows you to catch Hoenn pokemon in the wild.
Catch trade n evolve Pokemon.
you don't need to catch them just see all the Pokemon in the hoenn pokedex
No because it is a sinnoh Pokemon not a kanto, johto, or hoenn
you can get it after you complete the hoenn pokedex go to prof birch and he will let have one
get all hoenn Pokemon in the pokedex excluding deoxys and jirachi then go see prof birch
u import them from the hoenn games and catch regigigas in snowpoint temple after national pokedex
You have to have caught all of the Pokemon (not just see them) to complete the Pokedex to show to Gamefreak, or have it during a trade
catch every Pokemon in the hoenn pokedex. then talk to professor birtch and he gives you one, which ever you choose
You have to catch 151 pokemon to complete the pokedex.
In the Hoenn Dex, there are 200 pokemon. Kadabra, Graveler, Machoke, Clamperl and Seadra don't evolve without trading, so you can't get Alakazam, Golem, Machamp, Huntail, Gorebyss and Kingdra without trading. Also, you can't catch both Latias and Latios, so you need to trade to get them. For the full Pokedex, go to and click on Pokedex.