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When you reset you Wii gaming system you run the risk of losing saved and unsaved data. Typically resetting the system will restore the system to the original format.

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How do you reset your Wii system?

There is a reset button on the front.

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press home button on wii remote then click on reset

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you should reset it

How do you reboot a Wii?

You can do a normal reset by pressing the power button on either the Wii or any synchronized remote twice. A hard reset (used when a normal reset won't work) is done by unplugging the power cord (from either the Wii or the wall) and plugging it back in, then turning the power on.

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No, the 3DS cannot obtain downloadable software including Virtual Consoles and Save data from the Wii.

Is there a way to softmod a Wii without unlocking the Wii with a Wii unlocking software?

You make it to complicated. No, sorry.

How do you remove all data on a wii disc?

press reset

Can you play burned Wii games on your Wii?

you need a software that burns and plays copied wii games

What are some common Wii problems?

I have had one problem with my Wii. When I put the disc in backwards it locked up twice and I had to reset it.

Where does the micro sd card go in your Wii?

Below the reset button.