The clock rests itself all your saved data stays the same.
Source: It just happened to me :D
In Pokemon Platinum, the player can reach Route 228 by heading through Route 226 to come out on the north end of Route 228.
absolutely nothing... unfortunately.
You get the black flute when you reach the smashed wall and Looker gives you it.
In Pokemon Platinum you can find a Sun Stone in the Valor Lakefront but you will need Rock Climb to reach it. Sun Stones are also held by wild Solrocks and you can dig for some in The Underground.
you can't but after you go through Stark Mountain and reach the Survival area at the club you can rematch theminside
To reach Manestriport City in Pokemon Light Platinum first you have to acquire transportation. After doing this you have to gain energy to power your transportation.
In Pokemon Platinum, the player can reach Route 228 by heading through Route 226 to come out on the north end of Route 228.
In Pokemon Platinum, the TM Shadowball can be found on route 210 before you reach Celestic Town. The player will need to ride their bicycle over some planks to reach it.
In Pokemon Platinum, Monferno evolves when you reach level 36. The character it evolves into is Infernape. Monferno itself evolved from a Chimchar at Level 14.
absolutely nothing... unfortunately.
at the end of route 222. surf from sandgem until you reach it
Yes you can evolve it. It has to reach Level 33 when it learns Rollout then you can evolve it.
You get the black flute when you reach the smashed wall and Looker gives you it.
Reach the top of Mt. Coronett. There will be, i think 3 bosses, then you will approach DIALGA and you use the Master ball.
Go to Route 223 and follow it until you reach the Victory Road. Keep going until the Pokemon League.
at the end of the cave at evergreen city there is a trainer who runs over to you before you reach the exit