You will have to wait for more Quests
Or you can redo the Quests.
You start all over again on the quests
like a deer with no eyes = no idea... you and me have way tomuch time mate, but still a valid question, what does 1 do when you complete all quests??? is there a way to become the king on the imperial city?
you can become all sorts of classes if you buy each outfit are you can rank up and buy there weapons and do all of there quests
all you need to do is do quests and sell items
finish all of his quests.
you need to lesson to all of the people it involves
You can shower at the pool, play games, or do quests. All of these help.
Amalura's Love Story My Son Is A Pirate Penny And Lenny! The Lost Wooby King The Magic Ice Diamond Big Foot A Mysterious Call Save The Pokopets! Are all the latest quests available to do on Panfu at the moment.
nothing really happens. but if your a member and you do all quests (which equals 300 quest points) you can get a skillcape that can only be obtained when you have all quests done. P.S. the emote is AWESOME
You start all over again on the quests
You have to do soliannan quests
you get this mysterious glow power you can use at any point! its pretty pathetic though
complete the quests
actually, it ends when you finish all the quests there. but even though you are already finished in all the quests, you could always go back to play
WEll if you want to pass them all do it the old fashon way look it up on that is all you have to do yep now go on you littil person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nothing, fool
Unfortunately you can't do this and on some quests you have to wait a day to proceed. If you are bored while you are waiting DON'T start a new quest. It will just ruin your progress from all of the other ones you are doing. I am MGRoxs on Panfu Add Me!!