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You can trade,sell,mail,or wear it (you shouldn't sell it PLEASE!)

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Q: What happens when you get the Webkinz crown of wonder?
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How do you get the Crown of Wonder on Webkinz?

You have to get all them gems at the curio shop and then trade for the legendary crown of wonder.

How much does the crown of wonder sell for on webkinz?

it depends. sometimes 2,000 but it ranges. 1,500-5,000.

On Webkinz what happens when you trade for the Webkinz crown of wonder?

go to the ciro shop, and play gem hunt. when you find all of the gems that go on the crown, go to gem colection at the cirio shop and click on the crown at the top of the screen. I suggest you keep it, or trade it online, as it is worth a lot more to trade on a (trusted) trading site such as Webkinz Insider. It is only worth 1000 kc, but on WI it is priceless. etidited: It isn't price less on WI but i don't recommend selling it. Some people out there love crown of wonder's so I suggest keeping it to trade, not sell. you can earn kinz cash kinda easy, but you can't with crowns of wonder.

How much is the webkinz crown of wonder?

5,000 Kinzchash, but you can only get them by: getting your friend to send you one, trading for it, or by earning it in the gem hunt.

Can you still go to the curio shop after you get the crown of wonder in webkinz?

If you mean can you still do the Gem hunt, then no. If you mean can you still shop there, yes.

How do you get charm crown in webkinz?

... whats a charm crown?

What is the most valuable thing in webkinz world?

The most valuable item, in terms of sale value, is the Webkinz Crown of Wonder. It is made up of may gems, so it sells for, if I remember right, 2500 Kinzcash. Hope this helps!

What is the best gem on webkinz?

The webkinz diamond is. ps, I got it and it built part of the crown and its worth 1000 kinzcash! The full crown is worth 2220 kinzcash

What happens to the Webkinz that did not get killed?

webkinz can not die, they just get sick.

When is Webkinz Signature coming out?

They are coming out in eary april. I wonder what it is all about?

What do you do with your webkinz?

You can trade in one of each of the 30 gems for a crown of wonder. Just click on the large crown at the top of your collection and Arte will give you a crown. Any gems that you have multiples of will stay in your collection. You can save for another crown.

Is there any cheats to get the crown of wonder?

I don't know of any cheats to get the crown. It took me a year to get mine.