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You use it and try it. If the game has special gear you can use it but if the game has no rules you can play with your gear. Find me im the thebeastnoob @edenis4 twitter.

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Q: What happens when you add gear to a ROBLOX game?
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How do you get Robux on Roblox without buying it or buying Builders Club?

When designing a Roblox game, you can add gamepasses and gears onto your game. When making a gamepass, you get 10% of the price you sell it for; the other 90% goes back to Roblox. About the gears, if you add a Roblox gear onto your game page and someone buys it from there, you get 10% of the Robux gear's original price.

How do you add gear in Roblox?

Simple! You can't! Only ROBLOX can create and upload Gear to the catalog but as a alternative you can create your own gear and upload it as a Model for other users to take and try in games. If your lucky ROBLOX COULD publish it!

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ROBLOX didn't make them, game makers did.

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The only way to get Robux without using the currency exchange or buying Builder's Club is to purchase Roblox directly from the Roblox Central Bank. (Using real money.) Other than that, there is no way.

When I take free gear on Roblox why won't it add to my gear?

It might be an model of some creation of a look- a- like , so that`s what it might be so sorry if I am wrong.

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ACTUAL currency such as tickets and robux can NOT be added to a game

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Builderman is a staff member on ROBLOX. Add me roblox name: TheFurryFox

Why can't you wear models on Roblox?

Models are things that you add to a game that you are developing such as cars, maps or even scripts and I don't think that you would want to wear them on your Roblox character.

When will they sell roblox game cards in Canada?

yep they will....they sure will so keep your spirrit up and add me!! darkthordo

How do you change clothes during game in ROBLOX?

Open 2 windows. Onw with the game you're on, and one with your ROBLOX profile page. On your profile page click, "Character". Change your character to what you want, go back on your game, then die, and you will look like what you changed to. Hope this helps! :D PS-Add me on ROBLOX! I'm 12kif3.

add me on roblox my user is jackson888767?

ok i will add you

Roblox how to be super admin for village life?

You can be a super admin if you add admin in your roblox game