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After you beat the Pokemon league then you beat the volcano after that you just train forever!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Q: What happens in the end of Pokemon Pearl?
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you get to trade with Pokemon diamond pearl or diamond hope it helps

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What happens if there is a smiley in Pokemon in pearl?

the Pokemon had Pokerus but its already cured

What happens at the vulcano at Pokemon Pearl?

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it will be the female Pokemon

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.....The Pokemon league......

What happens on Pokemon Pearl?

Pokemon pearl is just like any other Pokemon game : you've got to catch em all

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i think you can a darkai

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What happens when it rains in Pokemon pearl?

umm it rains notin special happens

What is the differenence between Pokemon Pearl and diamond?

Not much. Pokemon diamond and Pokemon pearl have different Pokemon. for example, in pearl you can catch a glameow but not a cranidos and in diamond you can catch a cranidos but not a gleameow. And at the end of pearl you can catch Palkia the legendary and at the end of Diamond you can catch Diagla. But the games are basically the same. And there you go.....