In Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver, if you make Raikou faint then you can regenerate it by going to the Indigo Plateau and beating the Elite 4 and the Champion Lance however if you end up fainting Raikou in Pokémon Gold, Pokémon Silver, Pokémon Crystal, Pokémon FireRed or Pokémon LeafGreen then it'll be gone for good from your game.
Every time i did a he was still standing there with a message box saying Reshiram is gazing at "PLAYER"as if to say "try to catch me!" this happens if you faint it or run away.
Well technically, you can't KILL a Pokemon. You can just make it faint. When you make a legendary Pokemon faint, it will be gone until you start a new game.
you can not catch ho-oh then if you saved after it happed
u can't catch it anywhere
either save before the battle or come back to that spot in about 2 mounths
rakiou is a running Pokemon and you have to case it
Every time i did a he was still standing there with a message box saying Reshiram is gazing at "PLAYER"as if to say "try to catch me!" this happens if you faint it or run away.
Nothing happens. It just faints and then, you can search for more Unown.
there is no specific location. after entei, sucuine and rakiou run away from the burned tower(in ecruteak city), you have to chase rakiou through johto. on the pokegear map it shows where rakiou(and entei) is. if you fly to the closest town/city from that certain location, it just runs off. you never know when, but you might be lucky and find rakiou when you don't know it, but remember, rakiou runs on its first turn, even if you switch Pokemon or anything else that has nothing to do with attacking, it will run. GOOD LUCK!
Well technically, you can't KILL a Pokemon. You can just make it faint. When you make a legendary Pokemon faint, it will be gone until you start a new game.
you can not catch ho-oh then if you saved after it happed
yes it is possible to make yourself faint
If you have the Rakiou Member Pass (AR Cheat Code), go to go to the city where you got your first gym badge. From there go to the biggest building and talk to the lady at the counter.
u can't catch it anywhere
you make them faint , by pushing somewhere around there collarbone . (x
they make me faint.....
either save before the battle or come back to that spot in about 2 mounths