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nuthing you just start over again try to get back to tht brain :)

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Q: What happens if you lose to the battle brain in Pokemon emerald?
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On Pokemon Emerald you cant get to the froniear brain in the battle dome?

the only way to get to the fronteir brain in the battle dome in pokemon emerald is by beating the battle dome 10 times the only way to get to the fronteir brain in the battle dome in pokemon emerald is by beating the battle dome 10 times

Can you give me an answer on how to get to the battle fronteir brain in Pokemon emerald?

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How do you battle the frontier brain in Pokemon emerald?

Consecutively beat each facility to do so.

I have beat the battle Dome 5 times on Pokemon emerald but it won't let me battle the frontier brain but why?

you half to do it 5 times in a row

On Pokemon emerald how do you get a symbol in the battle frontier?

after you beat a certain amount of challenges you will battle a frontier brain which is sort of like the gym leader. if you beat them you get a symbol

How do you get the 7th emblem in Pokemon Emerald?

Depending on who it is, you still have to beat the Brain.

How can you get the symbols in Pokemon Emerald?

For each facility you need to beat the 7 trainers (there may be less in the battle pike and there are more in the battle pyramid) 3 times in a row then defeat the frontier brain on your 4th round. Note for the battle pike and pyramid you need to clear the rooms and floors a certain amount of times to battle the frontier brain.

I can't play Pokemon Emerald 386 what should i do?

Use ur brain

Who is Scott in Pokemon Emerald?

Scott is an semi important that shows up a lot on your adventure he is the owner of a battle island called the Battle Frontier it hosts a series of facilities each with a unique challenging and each his lead by an expert trainer known as a Frontier Brain.

In Pokemon platinum who is your rivals father?

Its the battle tower brain Palmer

How do you earn bages at battle fronteir in Pokemon plantuim?

beat the fronteir brain

In Pokemon Emerald can you get battle frontier badges?

Not badges: symbols. Each frontier facility is home of a frontier brain if you beat them you earn the facility symbol you can rematch them for a gold version collect them all for a secret prize given by Scott.