either the umd is broken or scratched BAD. or the reader thing inside the umd holder is shot. this sort of thing happened to me my umd thing broke on my old psp i had so i got a new one. buy a new one or go to playstation.com
nothing you just get to see them all in your extras option
The hold button neutralizes all other actions on the psp. If the hold button is turned on nothing you press will do anything. Its useful for transporting your psp and having a game on hold for a bit.
the game has to be game share compatible. you basically got to gameshare on your psp and then your friend loads the game up n his psp.
play the ps3 games in psp they will converted to psp games
You can copy games from one PSP memory stick to computer and then copy to another PSP's memory stick. Make sure you put the game on the folder 'GAME' on the memory stick.
They will only go in and play one way. The game label will be facing out.
The psp? Nothing will happen its supposed to be a portable handheld device. In other words you will be moving it a lot.
nothing you just get to see them all in your extras option
Simple buy the game insert the CD PLAY!!
You will need to manually put your PSP into USB mode from the 'Settings' option on the PSP's menu.
Let it sit for 5 minutes, if nothing happens shut it down manually.
to start a game on umd inssert the umd in your PSP and then 2 umd signs will appear one will be option to update your PSP and the other sign will be to start the game select the umd game sign and your game will be started.to start a game on memory card just insert memory card in PSP and go to games then your games will appear so then you can choose the game
One can find a tutorial on how to download PSP games on YouTube. First, you must find a download site for PSP games, go to the download site and locate the game you would like and download it. Then you upload the game onto a memory card and insert it into the PSP.
No, it's like any other console game, you just insert and play.
I dont understand, But what i do know is that is you buy games from the PSN and you cannot insert games
The PSP Action replay takes the form of a memory stick, you insert that into the PSP as normal. Any 'disc' provided is for your PC, it's a compilation of game cheats and saves that can be transferred to the memory stick.
I have not yet bricked a psp yet but i heard if you hack it wrong or install a program or game with a virus on it it will shut your psp down so nothing will work....ever.