If you format your dsi everything will erase from your dsi including ur things from your memory card.
Everything gets deleted. EVERYTHING!
You need to change the music format to AAC.
Deleted photoes cannot be recovered on the DSi. Since it does store in a familiar format, you may be able to restore a photo if it was saved to an SD card using an undelete program.
everything gets deleted
When you take the battery out nothing really happens. I tried it myself and it did nothing.
Everything gets deleted. EVERYTHING!
yes just push the format botton on the dsi settings
Sorry, but you cannot. Once you format your dsi, you can never recover the lost data. Only format if you plan to sell/give your dsi, or if you aren't playing it anymore.
AAC is supposed to be the format for dsi but m4a works on mine
When you format your DSi it deletes every bit of saved data (profile name, birthday etc) so yes, it's like returning it to its original state.
no it will not affect your games.
you have to press format system memory on the system settings and then you can easily hack into it.
Unfortunately, photos from a camera or from your PC cannot be exchanged/put to the DSi. The DSi only reads photos taken with the DSi camera. The DSi's pictures are JPEGs, and are 640 by 480 with a specific naming format, but even if you edit the picture and change to that format it still won't work.
No. iTunes is not supported by the DSi. It does, however, support the audio format of music downloaded from iTunes.
DSi Applications or DSiWare will not be able to copy back, Flipnote Studio animations will.
In order to do a factory reset on a Nintendo DSi, you must "Format System Memory" within the "Settings" menu. Heed the warning screens beforehand. Keep in mind that there is really no need to format the system's memory unless you are selling it.