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Sega sorta messed it up with (my opinion only) sucky games... the TV show is long gone and canceled, and according to the last episode I ever seen, Chris is an adult, but travels to sonic's world (parallel Earthor what ever you call it) through some sort of machine, and the machine turns Chris young again, and they fight evil robots and help a weird plant like life form from space. In the end, Chris is willingly (and sadly) sent back to Earth by Dr. Eggman (who for some reason was acting nice at the end...) And that's how it ended for me... but Sonic Rivals I and II (FYI, a game) are awesome!!! So is are the Silver the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog games. I don't know about the shadow game yet, but I hear it's pretty good.

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Q: What happened to sonic x?
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As in SONIC ANONYMOUS The "X" means "X-tream" NN96

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Sonic Advance happened in 2001.

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no he did not

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