Wheel of Fortune bonus puzzles are won at the end of the show if solved in 10 seconds. The highest scoring contestant is the one who gets the chance to play the bonus puzzle.
Wheel of Fortune Bonus Round Puzzle SolutionVAGUE IMPRESSION (rerun from March 11)Wheel of Fortune Winning Spin IDLG7132760
JOVIAL HOSTWheel of Fortune Winning Spin IDME6787951
Wednesday, February 13, 2013Wheel of Fortune Winning Spin IDTM9631240
No you had to confirm you winning within the required time
Wheel of Fortune has a long history and there was a daytime show where you only played for prizes before the current nighttime syndicated Television Show
You can get a Spin ID from the Wheel of Fortune Site and you can only hope it will be a winning number
Wheel of Fortune Bonus Round Puzzle SolutionEGYPTIAN PHARAOHWheel of Fortune Winning Spin IDRS2017565
Wheel of Fortune Bonus Round Puzzle SolutionVAGUE IMPRESSIONWheel of Fortune Winning Spin IDLG7132760
Wheel of Fortune Bonus Round Puzzle SolutionVAGUE IMPRESSION (rerun from March 11)Wheel of Fortune Winning Spin IDLG7132760
Wheel of Fortune Bonus Round Puzzle SolutionVAGUE IMPRESSIONWheel of Fortune Winning Spin IDLG7132760
Wheel of Fortune Bonus Round Puzzle SolutionTHIGH-HIGH BOOTSWheel of Fortune Winning Spin IDJC3181324
JOVIAL HOSTWheel of Fortune Winning Spin IDME6787951
The puzzle solution was Beyond Words.Wheel of Fortune Winning Spin IDJJ3440763
Thursday, February 21, 2013Wheel of Fortune Winning Spin IDBB5642091
Wednesday, February 13, 2013Wheel of Fortune Winning Spin IDTM9631240
Wheel of Fortune Bonus Round Puzzle SolutionFRUIT GROVEWheel of Fortune Winning Spin IDsRN8267944 - $12,699 cash and prizesES0013171 - $5,300 cashRG0500873 - $4,800 cash
Wheel of Fortune Bonus Round Puzzle SolutionFRUIT GROVEWheel of Fortune Winning Spin IDsRN8267944 - $12,699 cash and prizesES0013171 - $5,300 cashRG0500873 - $4,800 cash