there would be an another cross word champion or the second crossword champion would go first.
They buried him six down and five across.
No but part of his soul has been transferred into the millennium puzzle. It is not clearly shown whether Bakura died or not. In the real past, Zorc, who had been controlling Bakura, was transferred into the Millennium Ring like the Pharaoh was transferred into the Millennium Puzzle. The real Bakura may have died long ago while Zorc and the Pharaoh stayed in their Millennium Items until the modern time and in the Memory world.
Krillin has died four times.
I do not know but i do know that he died from trying to control Registeel after he died registeel came out of his pokeball an went to the tree of beginning
so far Zelda has not died in twilight princess she stored her life force in midna but Zelda has not yet died i thought midna died.
"I don't want Heaven handed to me on a silver platter, I want to erne it."Crossword puzzle champions don't die, they just get erased.
The punch line to this joke is, "They buried him six down and eight across."
They buried him six down and five across.
According to a crossword puzzle i was working, the Lone Ranger,s name was John Reid. I checked the answers to the crossword puzzle the following day.
Nicolas Champion died in 1533.
Nate Champion died in 1892.
Malcolm Champion died in 1939.
Harry George Champion died in 1979.
Ok so what happend was that prince harry the 3 had died.
he never died
he died
she died