I do not know but i do know that he died from trying to control Registeel after he died registeel came out of his pokeball an went to the tree of beginning
You have to have the Engnima stone.
It is given to by Steven Stone after beating Red.
on the top floor in a white building
Steven Stone is the most powerful trainer in Pokémon Emerald. He can be found in the upper area of Meteor Falls after defeating the Elite Four.
After you get your Hoenn starter and speak to Steven in the Pewter Museum, Steven will be in the Silph Co. bottom floor. He has a Beldum with a Dawn Stone to trade for a Forretress.
You can't battle Steven in Pokemon SoulSilver or HeartGold.
You can't find Steven Stone in Diamond
Yes in one episode.
Deoxys is a psychic type legendary character in the show and game called Pokemon. In Pokemon, when a person brings Steven Stone Deoxys a meteor falls.
you cant
You have to have the Engnima stone.
It is given to by Steven Stone after beating Red.
Steven Stone wll give it to you if you pick the Green Stone.
Pewter Mueseum
on the top floor in a white building
Steven Stone is the Champion of the Hoenn League and a Steel type Pokemon trainer. At his house in Mossdeep City, he will leave a Beldum for the player to adopt.
Beat Red, then go to the Silph Co. in Saffron City. Red stone=Torchic Blue stone=Mudkip Green stone=Treecko