Then your friends will not want to see you again for the rest of their lifes.
Yes, when a person says the word 'goddamn' it is considered swearing.
There is no Nudity, except the Playboy magazines. Swearing on the other hand, quite a lot. I have heard many gangsters and NPCs swearing.
I don't understand what you mean by swearing, but there are no filthy words except "d*mn!"
that is not going to happen
In most schools, you will be expelled for swearing at the principal.
because everybody will start swearing
Actually there is no way someone can be old enough start swearing. They do start without thinking what it looks like.
I think its Ross that does that. I think its swearing or something.
i believe that tna and wwe will have a war and wwe will start another attitude era with more swearing, more hardcore wrestling and more intense storylines
if your a sissy then its swearing if not its not swearing!
No. But if you cannot stand it just do what I do. Play with friends and mute everyone else.
Children learn based on what they experience. If children hear swearing, they will start using those words. When they are toddlers, they may use words or do things to get a reaction out of the parents. In that case, the parents can defuse the swearing by calmly stating that they do not use words like that in their house, and ignoring it.
Nobody knows for sure where swearing started. Swear words originated and evolved to give people a way to vent strong feelings, and these words have been with us ever since.
Then you find new friends because clearly these people are not your friends.
Start a swearing penalty system: e.g. a swear jar - if one swears put like $1 or something in jar. after a while the swearer might be low on cash and cease swearing. then you can reflect the amount of swearing in terms of money. perhaps if successful, you can slowly reward the swearer when they don't swear. alongside this system, it important to educate the m why swearing is bad: poor image, portrays lack of vocabulary, etc. leechyeah
There's no really point to swearing, and it does upset some people to hear it. If you've managed fine without it, there's no point in spending effort on deliberately starting to do it at any age.