There is no Nudity, except the Playboy magazines.
Swearing on the other hand, quite a lot. I have heard many gangsters and NPCs swearing.
if you are a parent asking there is nothing below the waist but there is alot of topplessness.
I have this game. Being 23 years of age I am old enough to play this game but my observations are as follows: The game doesn't really deserve an 18 rating. The multiplayer aspect isn't much different from previous call of dutys such as black ops 2 and ghosts and ghosts was rated a 16. What I think bumped it up to an 18 was the campaign. It is a lot more bloody than the last few games and has an abundance of swearing. There is also one scene with nudity I believe,( I am not up to that stage yet). If he was my son I would allow him to get the game but then again it is your choice.
No, But I do agree that there is to much of it in campaign...
It means that there are some scenes will be kinda nude but not so much. Characters will show their skin, and it would last for a few seconds. However, if games have "nudity" that means that there is a complete naked people
Hi. The Darkness 2 is a game featuring a lot of blood in it. Most M rated games will have this. As for the strong sexual content that is on the back, it is a little overrated in my opinion. There is absolutely no nudity in it. I have already played through the whole game and at the time I wondered if there was a mistake in the rating. I sent them an email and it turns out the reason why they rated it that way was for the very short scene where you have to chase someone into a brothel and kill a few prostitutes and the man who you chased. Any game where you walk into a brothel (nudity or no nudity, sex or no sex) will automatically fit in the strong sexual content guidelines. On the other hand, this game should be rated sexual content because the main character does talk about having sex at one time and having a child. Besides that, there is nothing else except for the average things you would find in a game with sexual stuff in it. Here are some guidelines by the way if you ever have another question about this again: Sexual Themes: References to sex or sexuality (This can refer to a woman saying you have to beat up her husband for cheating on her.). Sexual Content: Non-explicit or depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including partial nudity ( The name exaggerates it too much. This can result in something like getting down on a bed and making out with clothes on. ). Strong Sexual Content: Frequent depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including nudity. ( -Now pay close attention. The nudity would only appear if it specifically says "nudity" on the back of it- Every AO rated game filed has strong sexual content. Strong sexual content is really different between each game you play. You will often see games that are rated M like "Heavy Rain" "The Darkness 2" "RDR" and so on. None of these contain sex scenes but each have some sexual things in them. I will only say this once... ANY game that has sex of ANY kind is rated AO. No game that is rated M is allowed to have sex in it.
It is a PS2 game
if you are a parent asking there is nothing below the waist but there is alot of topplessness.
Quite a bit, if you do not enjoy swearing or listening to swearing, dont get it.
It has ALOT of swearing.
I have never heard of mafia wars downloads, and i have spent way too much time playing the game the past 2 years
Yes you can. Right before you start the game, a message will appear asking if you would like to take off the mature content (including: sexual content, cursing, partial nudity, violence). After enabling this, the cursing will be turned off, the sexual content,...etc. I hope you get this game, definitely recommend it! I hate how they ruin games with cursing, sex, and what not. Anyway, I hope you buy it and enjoy the game! I hope I helped! :)
Yes halo 3 ODST does have swearing in it but the swearing isn't that bad meaning the characters in ODST don't swear that much.
Mafia Wars is a popular game on Facebook. There is something called body count on it, which is the number of people you have "killed" on the Facebook app.
Actually, splinter cell conviction doesn't have very much swearing.
The $29.99 retail priced game is available from amazon for $17.99 on September 29 2011
well we usually get one hundred bucks a game i work with rock star games and working on mafia 3