It would have to be D/P/P because the Pokemon acually got better than the other gens and the story line is is just fun and fantastic not like the 5th gen the Pokemon look like baby toys and they've put no effort into the 5th gen sorry gamefreak not good enough
hope that helped
Pokemon: The Fifth Generation.
There was 151 pokemon in generation 1
to be honest they are all good it just depends what Pokemon you prefer either 1st, 2nd , 3rd or the 4th generation
no. gible is a fourth generation Pokemon. in fire red you only get 1-3 generation Pokemon
Scyther was introduced in Generation I.
Typhlosion and Lugia
Best Wishes.
luxray is the best electric Pokemon in 4th generation
100. There are 251 Pokemon by the end of the second generation. The first 151 Pokemon were all first generation Pokemon. That leaves you with 100 second generation Pokemon.
Darkrai is a 4th Generation Pokemon, Pokemon FireRed is a 1st Generation Pokemon - 3rd Generation Pokemon of course NOT
pikachu i think that how u spell it lol :]
Actually, yes. A few years after Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver come out in the US in Spring, they will make a new Generation (a new region). They have a pattern:Generation I: Pokemon Red, BlueGeneration I Remake: Pokemon YellowNew Generation; Generation II: Pokemon Silver, GoldGeneration II Remake: Pokemon ChrystalNew Generation; Generation III: Pokemon Sapphire, RubyOld Generation Remake; Generation I: Pokemon Leaf Green, Fire RedGeneration III Remake: Pokemon EmeraldNew Generation; Generation IV: Pokemon Diamond, PearlGeneration IV Remake: Pokemon PlatinumOld Generation Remake; Generation II: Pokemon Heart Gold, Soul Silver
A fifth generation Pokemon is any Pokemon introduced as of the fifth generation of Pokemon games titled Black and White. The Pokemon considered to be generation five are Victini #494 to Genesect #649 any Pokemon between these two is a fifth generation Pokemon.
I'd say arceus, but since they are making a 5th generation of pokemon, we'll see . . .
It falls in the 6th generation of Pokemon games.
Pokemon: The Fifth Generation.