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Pokemon: The Fifth Generation.

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Q: What is the 5th generation of Pokemon going to be called?
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When is Pokemon generation 5 going to be on air?

right now there is no 5th generation Pokemon games so when it does come if it does that's when the show will continue to the 5th gen.

Pokemon fifth Generation?

The 5th generation region is called the Isshu region. The Isshu starters are Tsutaaja, Pokabu, and Mijumaru. The first games to feature the Isshu region and 5th generation Pokemon is called Pokemon Black and white versions in japan.

What is the Pokemon anime in japan called for the 5th generation?

Best Wishes.

Are there going to be any new Pokemon?

Yes there will be a 5th generation and a new region. you can count on that.

What was the fifth generation Pokémon's name in the 11th movie?

Actually, now there is. But there is no 5th generation Pokemon in the 11th movie. Only in the 13 movie called Phantom Champion Z in Japan. The 5th Pokemon is called Zoroark. It's said to ge a dark type Pokemon.

Will there be a Pokemon generation 5?

Yes. The 5th generation region is called the Isshu region. The Isshu starters are Tsutaaja, Pokabu, and Mijumaru. The first games to feature the Isshu region and 5th generation Pokemon is called Pokemon Black and white versions in japan. Be sure to check out for images and details on all 5th generation information including screenshots and new Pokemon. _________________ check out these sites' 5th gen pages

Will there be a 5th generation of Pokemon?

Yes there will.

Is there a 5th generation Pokemon?

not yet but there will be

Will 5th generation Pokemon be added in Pokemon Vortex?


How many Pokemon be in all after you add the 5th generation Pokemon?

649 pokemon.

Will Pokemon Black and White contain every Pokemon ever?

No, it contains mostly 5th generation Pokemon with a few from the fourth generation.

Why cant you trade Pokemon white to Pokemon Platimum?

because pokemon platinum has 4th generation pokemon. Pokemon black and white contain 5th generation pokemon