it deppends how well you play in the night club bean counters or hydro hopper they all earn a lot of money sometimes its the same
You hit 50 targets in a special game at a party.
You can use money maker or wait for the next pay-day. Or, you could buy the EPF DS game or Game Day Wii game to earn coins from the game and transfer them to your online account. It's kind of still work, but Game Day is quite fun in multi-player.
Well,to be exact,Jet Pack Adventure because if you get no coins,YOU"LL GET 1,0000 COINS!(-;not true
When you're on the main menu of club penguin game day, click 'Options' and then 'Delete Penguin'. Select your penguin and simply delete it from club penguin game day.
They dance to the music when your penguin dances. Also they dance with you when you play the dance contest game just take them for a walk then go to the dance contest in the night club, they will earn you extra points this way.
No, you do not need internet for the new game on Club Penguin coming out on DS. But when the game comes out it will have a code you can use to connect to the DS gamer on Disney. You will be able to earn coins on the game which then you can put those coins in your Club Penguin account.
Yea it should.....It'll B kewl if you earn 10000 coins in each game you play
club Penguin
There is a new game called Webosaurs. Instead of penguins it is dinosaurs. You get your own house and can decorate you dinosaur and house with coins. You have to earn the coins by games.
It depends on what you like to do on Club Penguin. On the Club Penguin DS game you can play new minigames, earn coins, complete missions, and get clothes. You can only download coins from the DS game onto you'r online account but none of the clothes. The game also comes with a code that you can enter into your online account which opens a hidden room.
If you want free coins, you are going to have to earn them yourselves! You can not go off trying to cheat, Club Penguin is supposed to be fun. Although when you cheat you ruin it!Earn them yourselves!
Club Penguin does let you steal coins and hack them but if you do u will get banned for 24 hrs
need coins to buy that sweet bathing suit you've got your eye on it? to earn coins quickly play bean counters or jetpack adventure you can earn a nice amount of coins playing each game.
Each puffle on club penguin costs 800 coins.
Puffle Launch
there is a game called horse isle, its a game where you are a person, and you get horses and do quests for people to earn money, things like that, its really fun! Well, there is a club penguin ds game. its soooooo much fun! you can buy clothes for your penguin (in the game), and upload coins into your penguin on the computer by Nintendo wi-fi!
You can get the most coins I THINK at the game Beans Counter