

Best Answer

Jaboticaba Jackfruit Jakfruit Jamaica Cherry Jamaican Honeysuckle Jamberry Jambolan Jamfruit Japanese Chestnut Japanese Fiber Banana Japanese Hackberry Japanese Medlar Japanese Pepper Leaf Japanese Persimmon Japanese Plum Japanese Plum Japanese Plum Japanese Quince Japanese Raisin Tree Japanese Rose Japanese Tea Bush Japanese Yew Japanese Yew Java Almond Java Apple Java Olive Java Plum Javanese Almond Jelly Palm Jerusalem Artichoke Jicama Jojoba Jostaberry Jujube Juneberry

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Q: What fruit has the first letter J in the name?
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Name of fruit or vegetable with the letter j?

Jack fruit starts with a J.

What is a fruit with the first letter starting j?


What fruit has a letter j?


What fruit begins with letter j?


What is the name of a fruit or vegetable starting with the letter J?

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Fruit that starts with the letter j?

· jalapeno pepper

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Friut that starts with the letter j?

Yes, there is-- a jack-fruit is a fruit, so that will conclude your question and wonders.

What Fruit or vegetable beginning with letter j is there?

yes there is it is called a Jackfruit

What kinds of apples fruit start with letter J?

Jonathans Gold

What is miles austins middle name?

It isn't listed online yet,But its first letter is J.