What are some fruits that begin with the letter J?
Fruits that start with the letter J:JaboticabaJack fruitJaffa orangeJaguaJalapeno pepperJamaica cherryJamaica plumJambulJamumJapanese bayberryJapanese pumpkinJapanese raisinJasmineJatobaJavaJelly nutJenipapoJerusalem artichokeJew's Apple also known as Aubergine and June berry.JicamaJingleberryJocoteJohnathan applesJon-A-Gold applesJon-o-gold applesJujubeJune berryJune plumJuniper berryJuremAcording to botany, plants with seeds are concidered seeds, therefore - peppers are concidered fruit - even though they aren't sweet. So, for example, a jalapeno is a fruit!Jujube is a fruit starting with the letter J. This fruit is sometimes called a Chinese date. Jackfruit are another fruit starting with J.