once you have beaten the elite for and champion you will be able to dig up every fossil inlcuding ones from previous games... this is the same for diamond and pearl as well
Yes! Go underground, go to your base, use the "Radar" and search for "TREASURE" and find a spot. Go dig in that area, you get alot of fossils sometimes. -Seth, AKA Legend in Platinum
You can get all the fossils underground, except for shieldon or cranidos. You find shieldon if your ID is even and Cranidos is your ID is odd.
Yes you can find all the stones underground including fossils.
The fossils just come out randomly.I got a cranidos.they do not come out the first time you look for them but don't give up they are there somewhere.
you can find them underground
The underground
You can find it underground i only get skull fossils but you get them underground.
Use the Explorer kit and go underground to dig into the walls, you will find fossils, spheres, shards and other items
yes u can but you might have other fossils until you get the national pokedex
In the underground.
You have to dig them up when you're underground
go underground
after you get the explorer kit go underground and mine the walls where they are shiny then eventually you will find some
you go to the mines (any) and if you have a explorer kit the you go in and you use it then you find fossils
you need to find fossils underground. if you have national pokedex you can find aerodectyl's old amber, lileep, kabuto and anorith's fossils. if you have not got the national dex, if your trainer id ends with a odd number, you get skull fossils (cranidos) and if it ends with a even number you get armour fossils (sheildon).
By digging underground, you may find Fossils. If you find a Skull Fossil, go to Oreburgh City and get in reincarnated at the museum.
Yes! Go underground, go to your base, use the "Radar" and search for "TREASURE" and find a spot. Go dig in that area, you get alot of fossils sometimes. -Seth, AKA Legend in Platinum