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Q: What five letters words that starts with z and ends with er?
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That would be the name "Irene".

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There are no words that match those arrangement of letters, here are some 5-letter words that start with z:ZaireZamiaZanzaZappyZarfsZaxesZayinZazenZealsZebecZebraZebusZeinsZerksZerosZestsZestyZetasZibetZilchZillsZincsZincyZinebZinesZingsZingyZinkyZippyZiramZitisZizitZloteZlotyZoeaeZoealZoeasZombiZonaeZonalZonedZonerZonesZonksZooeyZooidZooksZoomsZoonsZootyZorilZorisZouksZowieZuzimZymes

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What is a intrument that has 5 words and starts with ba?

Do you mean five letters? That could be "banjo."