A word that starts with E and ends with A: extravaganza.
Word that ends with C: bloc. croc. zinc.
a word that starts with k and ends in n is known
A word that starts with E and ends with U: ecru.
The word impromptu begins with i and ends with u.
la mesa : a table la mesa is a FEMININE WORD la mes[A] If it ends in A = Feminine If it ends in O = Masculine
viola, voila
vie? i.e. c'est la vie
Cassette is a feminine word in French, almost every word that ends with -ette is a feminine word in French.
usually you use el if the noun ends in an 'O' and la if the word ends in an 'A'.ex. El caballo, La gallina. If it ends in an E it can go either way so you have to memorize it. there are also a few that are exceptions: La mano, el Agua are to common ones.
Comida is food in spanish. The word ends in an "a" so it is feminine-la comida.
La la la la latill the world ends, baby come tell me hold me be wih me• dont be sad be glad that it has happened• Baby, till the world ends, baby, till the world ends touch me hold me• have you ever thought of this happening, ( no no ) til the world ends.
A word that starts with AN and ends with OR: ancestor.
La. Panama is a feminine word.You can normally tell whether a word is feminine if it ends in A.To make that plural, it would become Las, such as if you were talking about chicas.
The word that ends with "ion" is "suppression."
An adjective is a describing word that ends in e