A male Kirlia, when exposed to a Dawn Stone, evolves into a Gallade.
It evolves Kirlia into Gallade and Snorunt into Froslass.
It evolves a Kirlia into a Gallade, but it must be male. It also evolves a female Snorunt into Froslass.
Dawn stone evolves a male Kirlia into Gallade, and a female Snorunt into Frosslass.
Snorunt(girl)-->Froslass Kirlia(boy)-->Gallade
Ralts evolves unto Kirlia at lvl 20, and evolves into GARDEVOIR if Kirlia's DEF is higher than it's ATK, and GALLADE if Kirlia's ATK is higher than it's DEF.
It evolves Kirlia into Gallade and Snorunt into Froslass.
Togetic into Togekiss, Male Kirlia into Gallade, Female Snorunt into Frosslass, and several others.
Lv. 20: Evolves into KirliaLv. 30: Evolves into GardevoirORDawn stone: Evolves into Gallade
answer is that you cant catch gallade in pearl only way is to get kirlia from platinum/emerald after you defeat champion and use dawn stone and it evolves into gallade.
Gallade is a Psychic/Fighting-type Pokemon. This type remains the same even when it Mega Evolves as well.
It evolves a Kirlia into a Gallade, but it must be male. It also evolves a female Snorunt into Froslass.
Dawn stone evolves a male Kirlia into Gallade, and a female Snorunt into Frosslass.
evolves male kirlia into gallade and female snorunt into froslass
Kirlia - Gallade Snorunt - Froslass
Snorunt(girl)-->Froslass Kirlia(boy)-->Gallade
Ralts evolves unto Kirlia at lvl 20, and evolves into GARDEVOIR if Kirlia's DEF is higher than it's ATK, and GALLADE if Kirlia's ATK is higher than it's DEF.
it evolves male Kirila into Gallade and female Snowrunt into Froslass