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It evolves a Kirlia into a Gallade, but it must be male. It also evolves a female Snorunt into Froslass.

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Q: What does a Dawn stone evolve?
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What Pokemon dose a dawn stone evolve?

In the Pokemon Games, the Dawn Stone is an evolutionary stone that will help two different Pokemon evolve. When exposed to a Dawn Stone, Snorunt's evolve into Froslass and Kiralia's evolve in Gallade.

What Pokemon evolve with dawn stone?

Two Pokemon can evolve if exposed to the Dawn Stone. A Snorunt will evolve into a Froslass, and a Kiralia will evolve into a Gallade.

Does ralts evolve with a dawn stone?

A Male Kirlia will evolve into a Gallade when exposed to a Dawn Stone.

How does frostlass evolve on Pokemon Diamond?

you cant evolve froslass but you can use a dawn stone on snorunt You need to use a Dawn Stone on a female Snorunt to evolve it. The Dawn Stone won't work with a male Snorunt.

Can evee evolve with dawn stone?

No, a Dawn Stone is not capable of evolving Eevee, the only stones that can evolve Eevee are a Fire Stone, a Water Stone and a Thunderstone.

What Pokemon do you evolve with the dusk and dawn stone?

dawn stone: misdreavus dusk stone: i dunno

What Pokemon can you evolve with the dawn stone?

Zangoose,,pachrisu,vullaby,and purrloin-oh yeah.Audino too,evolve with dawn stone.

What does a dawn stone evolve on diamond?

You can use a dawn stone on a male kirlia to evolve into gallade and on a female snorunt into a froslass

What Pokémon evolve with a Dawn Stone?

A Dawn Stone is used to evolve a male Kirlia into a Gallade and a female Snorunt into a Froslass.

What Pokemon does the dawn stone make evolve?

The dawn stone is an evolutionary stone. It makes a male Kirlia evolve into Gallade and a female Snorunt into Froslass.

What Pokemon do you use to evolve with dawn stone?

Male Kirlia can evolve into Gallade if Dawn stone is exposed to it & the sam way a female Snorunt evolves into Froslass if Dawn stone is exposed to it.

What Pokemon does the dawn stone evolve in soul silver?

The dawn stone will evolve a male kirlia into a gallade and a female snorunt into a froslass