DragonBall episode 13. Goku becomes a great ape and puar transforms into a giant pair of scissors and cuts his tail off. i believe he grows it back later, but im not sure.
i think it is in the 289, All Things Bright and Beautifly
i think it was after goku came back with his tail and turn ssj3 when he revert back to his old state goku look at the earth and become a golden great ape in episode 30. GOKU TURNED SSJ4 IN EPISODE 35, SHORTLY AFTER HE WAS A GREAT APE.
Because during his training with Kami in Dragonball, Kami pulled Goku's tail off and used his magic to make it unable to grow back because he thought his Great Ape form being unleashed at random times would be inconvinite.
pikachu learn iron tail at lvl 60
there is no tm for aqua tail.
Yes, a rabbit's butt is located above its tail. The rabbit's anus and genital openings are located in this area, just below its tail.
bulma made "blutz waves" then shot goku Actually it was The Supreme and Elder Kai that used pliers to pull a bump on gokus butt that was his tail growing back but they only did it to make it faster so bulma can use the blutz waves to make him Super Saiyan 4
Go check the fairy tail wiki. They have the latest episode up always
The Harvest Festival episode in Fairy Tail is Episode 153. It is part of the Grand Magic Games arc.
Episode 68 of Fairy Tail has already came out. You can watch it on Kissanime or Crunchyroll.
It was his cock not his tail dumb butt
Episode 175 is the last episode of Fairy Tail. But although the Fairy Tail anime has ended, all the episodes are being re-aired under the name Fairy Tail Best and there are rumours that after that, and after the manga has had time to get ahead (as the anime was catching up), the Fairy Tail anime may be continued.
The core members of Fairy Tail return after the timeskip at the end of episode 123.
Raven Tail's guildmaster, Ivan Dreyar, made his first appearance in episode 45. Some of Raven Tail's guild members appeared first in the 13th intro sequence, a few episodes before their formal appearance in episode 154.
The episode of the anime series show Fairy Tail that appeared on Valentines Day was the episode titled "The Power of Feelings". This originally aired on February 14, 2011.
Above his butt. But it does always fall off.
They are going to dub the episode 132 of fairy tail sometime near or after September the 10th.