Ash caught Treecko in the seventh episode of the Advanced Generation serries and the two hundred thirty first episode of the Pokemon anime.
Ash's Treecko evolves during Pokémon Advanced Challenge in the episode that is titled "Exploud and Clear."
You must be talking about the episode where ash and tracey get sick from a poisonous Pokemon and that episode is called the stun spore detour
Ash battled Norman in the episode "Balance of Power."
Ash caught Treecko in the seventh episode of the Advanced Generation serries and the two hundred thirty first episode of the Pokemon anime.
Ash's Treecko evolves during Pokémon Advanced Challenge in the episode that is titled "Exploud and Clear."
The Pokémon Ash with him during his journey in the Hoenn region would include Pokémon such as his Pikachu as well as Taillow, Treecko, Corphish and Torkoal. His Taillow evolved into a Swellow and his Treecko eventually became a Sceptile. Ash had also brought back Bulbasaur for one episode in order to help out with the Bulbasaur that May caught.
Ash receives his Phanpy as an egg, in the episode, Extreme Pokemon!
You must be talking about the episode where ash and tracey get sick from a poisonous Pokemon and that episode is called the stun spore detour
During Ash's journey through the Hoenn region, the Pokémon that Ash acquired were Taillow, Treecko, Corphish, Torkoal and Snorunt with Taillow and Snorunt evolving into Swellow and Glalie respectively and Treecko fully evolving to Sceptile.
Ash battled Norman in the episode "Balance of Power."
the second episode.
episode 39.5
episode 56
Ash meets Riley in the episode "Saving the World from Ruins!" which is the episode no 7 in Pokemon galactic battles.