Dawn doesn't meet May in an episode during the Galactic Battles season, she meets her in a Pokémon episode titled "Our Cup Runneth Over" which is during the "Battle Dimension" season.
there no Pokemon episode when misty meet dawn
On the episode where swinub evolves in piloswine On the episode where dawn gets knocked out in the first round of the salaceon town Pokemon contest
Chocobine town is a town that will be Dawn's next contest. It is unknown now until the episode comes out because it is a town that isn't in the new game Platinum.
It's not in any episode, Paul never kisses Dawn.
The Episode An Egg Scramble
A Piplup, a Pachurisu, an Ambipom, a Buneary, and a Mamoswine.
It is DP191, which is called, "Memories are Made of Bliss!" It is last in the Galactic Battles series of Diamond and Pearl.
there no Pokemon episode when misty meet dawn
On the episode where swinub evolves in piloswine On the episode where dawn gets knocked out in the first round of the salaceon town Pokemon contest
It's only an approximation, but I'd say Brock is about 17, where as Ash and Dawn are about 13.
Let Team Galactic kill all of her Pokemon until she has to send out Monferno. Don't attack Team Galactic's Pokemon let them kill Dawn's until she sends out Monferno.
DP episode 1
Chocobine town is a town that will be Dawn's next contest. It is unknown now until the episode comes out because it is a town that isn't in the new game Platinum.
It's not in any episode, Paul never kisses Dawn.
The Episode An Egg Scramble
Dawn never was on pokemon black and white she was only on pokemon diamond and pearl.
After you beat Maylene the third gym leader go to the entrance of the Galactic Hideout you will see Dawn with two Galactic Grunts that stole her poke'dex you have to battle them and you kill Dawn's Clefairy. Then she uses Monferno.