It is not in an episode, in the first episode of Dragonball Z it shows Guko with his son as a child.
Goku Defeats Baby In Episode 39
Baby Trunks comes out in the episode where Goku and the others start finding the Androids more specifically Episode 72
Goku turns SS4 in Episode #35 gt.
The episode in which Chi Chi and Goku fight is episode 137. It's also the episode in which Chi Chi becomes Goku's fiancee.
Goku turn into kid Goku in episode 1 or Dragonball GT because Emperor Pilof accidentally wished for Goku to be a kid again.
Goku Defeats Baby In Episode 39
episode 226 No it is always Chi Chi.
Baby Trunks comes out in the episode where Goku and the others start finding the Androids more specifically Episode 72
well there is first battle in which Goku lost and baby almost killed Goku. Fortunately Kobito Kai saved Goku that was on DBGT episode 29. Then Goku appeared for a rematch and with his grown tale he was able to transform into Super saiyan 4 and destroyed Baby. That was on DBGT episodes 33-39.
Goku never has a third baby. In Dragon Ball Z Kai he only has one son, Gohan. In Dragon Ball Z, Goku has two sons, Gohan and Goten. After that, he never has any more kids.
Goku turns SS4 in Episode #35 gt.
The episode in which Chi Chi and Goku fight is episode 137. It's also the episode in which Chi Chi becomes Goku's fiancee.
Baby was killed in episode 39. After Baby leaves Vegeta's body and runs away, Goku blasts him with a Kamehameha and sends him into the sun.
Goku turn into kid Goku in episode 1 or Dragonball GT because Emperor Pilof accidentally wished for Goku to be a kid again.
Goku turned Super Saiyan 4 in the episode Back in the Game from the Dragon Ball GT series. The date the episode originally aired was January 22, 1997, although the American release date was May 29, 2004.
its episode 162
episode 184