Episode 454: Battling the Enemy Within is where Ash gets possessed by the dark spirit of Pokelantis.
episode 452
yes ash does but i don't know which episode
no i think
Nope! Sorry.
Ash was never kidnapped on purpose. But he some times was kidnapped by mistake. But the episode was in Season 4-5. If you ever have any questions about Pokemon you just let me know!
episode 452
yes ash does but i don't know which episode
Watch TV
Not in any official episode.
no i think
Episode 112 in Stun Spore Detour.
yes,its may.
Nope! Sorry.
Ash's Grotle evolved into Torterra in "The Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore!", episode 166 of the Diamond and Pearl series and episode 632 overall.
yes Ash has had a Torterra because in the later episodes his Grotle evolves but i don't remember which episode:[
in Battling the Enemy Within! in the Advanced Generation series where he was possessed by the king of pokelantis