goku met krillin in the original dragon ball series where they went to train under master roshi krillin hated goku, but after a while they became best friends and in case u are wondering his best friend is krillin.
Goku wanted to train under Master Roshi and then Krillin came to train too, and then after a while they became best friends. Dragon Ball Season 1 Episode 12? I'm Not Sure About The Episode But It's 12 or 13
Episode 95 "Transformed at Last". Goku got extremely pissed/upset after Krillin was destroyed by Freiza. Then he transformed to SSJ1.
Goku never meets Bardock.
Yes it is shown in the fusion saga they show a flashback where krillin has to lower his powers to match goku's
Goku wanted to train under Master Roshi and then Krillin came to train too, and then after a while they became best friends. Dragon Ball Season 1 Episode 12? I'm Not Sure About The Episode But It's 12 or 13
Episode 95 "Transformed at Last". Goku got extremely pissed/upset after Krillin was destroyed by Freiza. Then he transformed to SSJ1.
Dragonball Z Episode 154: No Worries Here It is actually episode 169
Goku never meets Bardock.
Krillin, as Goku was about to be his student, Krillin came in a boat asking to be a student and so forth
Yes it is shown in the fusion saga they show a flashback where krillin has to lower his powers to match goku's
in dragonball episode 6 or 7
Goku and Goku Jr. meet in the DragonBall GT movie, "A Hero's Legacy."
frieza killed krillin on planet namek when goku tried to hit him with the spirit bomb but failed also when krillin was killed goku turned super saiyan for the first time