Light the two torches with your torch. Press the first drum 4 times, the 2nd drum 2 times, the third drum 1 time, and the fourth drum 4 times. See related link for screenshots.
Cut the branches. Count the number of flowers and hit the colored button equal to the number of that colored flower. See related link for screenshots.
You need to roll the ball to hit the buttons in the same pattern that is on the doors. The pattern should be as follows: Left Right Right Left Left Left Right Right ... after you roll the ball and press the buttons in the correct order, the elevator doors will automatically open.
when swampert is at level one-hundred he can have a range of three-hundred-nine and four-hundred-twelve hit points.
Hit yellow and orange at the same time.
Where are the gags on the simpsons hit and run on level 3?
Guide the alien to his spaceship. left right left left right left right rightSee related link for screenshots.
Cut the branches. Count the number of flowers and hit the colored button equal to the number of that colored flower. See related link for screenshots.
Cut the branches. Count the number of flowers and hit the colored button equal to the number of that colored flower. See related link below for screenshots.
There are about 110 floors in the twin towers. The1st plane hit the 101st floor and the second hit somewhere between the 95th and 100th (the plane tilted so it hit more floors) floors.
Hit "Pa", "S", "S", "W", "O", "Rd". See related link below for screenshots.Hit "Pa", "S", "S", "W", "O", "Rd". See related link below for screenshots.
samba drums are used to hit and to play from the heart
Drums make noises when a vibration is made when it is hit by a drumstick.
unless you're talking about chicken drums, you DON'Teat drums you hit them with either a stick or you're own hand.
Drum Sticks
you hit it harder
at level 100 it can learn the four one-hit-kos
Jim reeves