go to fusionfaller1.tk gives you the information on what monster drops what like he hex staff
boots..canfis shop has decorative boots otherwise I think armored boots are monster drops
you will have to get a fusion matter generator for fusionfall
35 or 36 if i were you i would go to the fusionfall wiki
you cant
go to fusionfaller1.tk gives you the information on what monster drops what like he hex staff
boots..canfis shop has decorative boots otherwise I think armored boots are monster drops
There is no FusionFall store. But there is FusionFall things you can buy at EB Games, and Gamestop.
It is already :) _________________________________________________________________ FusionFall will be free in April 16
no i really doubt that it has a virus with cartoonnetwork putting a commercial on tv of fusionfall then when you play fusionfall you get a virus i doubt that
Yes, it is. FusionFall will be free in April 16, 2010
Dude!! Fusionfall Asia is not out yet!!
you will have to get a fusion matter generator for fusionfall
pimple back mountains if not check fusionfall wiki
35 or 36 if i were you i would go to the fusionfall wiki
u can play fusionfall in Asia by downloading hotspotshield which would allow u to play fusionfall in Asia pacific
Drops from a boss. usually event bosses.