Leech is the book version of physician. Also, leech is a carnivorous or bloodsucking aquatic worm. Chillingworth seem to "suck" the power out of Reverend Dimmesdale. That's the main connection and the double-meaning.
References :<http://thesaurus.com/browse/leech>
you cant get leech seed in Pokemon platinum, Pokemon can learn leech seed by lvl, like torterra and Roselia
The letters spell the word leech.
powerwhip wring out crunch and leech seed
Depends on your tactic. If you ask me, I think that Torterra can benefit from better moves but if you use Substitute in your strategy or Woodhammer then Leech Seed can be a very good move to use.
Crobat learns wing attack and leech life . That is all I know .
The irony in using "leech" in the titles of chapters 9 and 10 is the fact that it means physican and chillingworth is in the fact that the ministers physician. Also leech means one who clings to get what they can. Like from dimmsdale during chaters 9 and 10. =]
Chillingworth was called a leech in The Scarlet Letter because he metaphorically attached himself to Dimmesdale, draining him of spirit and vitality. This term reflects how Chillingworth's relentless pursuit of revenge consumed him, much like a leech feeding on blood.
Roger Chillingworth is referred to as the leech in "The Scarlet Letter" because he attaches himself to Arthur Dimmesdale and feeds off his emotional and psychological suffering, much like a leech feeds off blood. Chillingworth's relentless pursuit of revenge and his torment of Dimmesdale drain the minister's vitality and contribute to his decline. Thus, the nickname emphasizes Chillingworth's parasitic and manipulative nature.
I think the leech has Bilateral symmetry meaning that if you cut it down the middle you will get two mirror images.
Reverend Dimmesdale first clutches his heart in Chapter 10 of "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. This moment is significant as it marks the beginning of his physical and emotional torment due to his guilt.
According to Apple's dictionary, it could either mean...an aquatic or terrestrial annelid worm with suckers at both endsa person who extorts profit from or sponges on others*this word can also be used as a verb
The genus of a leech is Haemopis.
leech = βδέλλα bdella leech= βδέλλα bdella
Leech is 6' 3".
A leech is a fasinating parasite
Beverly Leech's birth name is Beverly Ann Leech.
Leeches are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs. They have multiple gonads and copulate by intertwining their bodies and exchanging sperm to fertilize each other's eggs. The fertilized eggs are then deposited in a cocoon for development.