you cant get leech seed in Pokemon platinum, Pokemon can learn leech seed by lvl, like torterra and Roselia
they are both great moves sleep powder is good for catching Pokemon leach seed is good in battles when you need hp
(Leftovers) -Sleep Powder -Substitute -Leech Seed -Giga Drain Excellent moveset,
powerwhip wring out crunch and leech seed
Depends on your tactic. If you ask me, I think that Torterra can benefit from better moves but if you use Substitute in your strategy or Woodhammer then Leech Seed can be a very good move to use.
how to get a togepi in Pokemon platinum
Either switch out or use Rapid Spin.
Breed a female ferroseed or ferrothorn with a male pokemon that knows leech seed. Male Pokemon with Leech Seed + female Ferroseed = Ferroseed with Leech Seed
mega drain in Pokemon is a grass type move that works better leech seed or leech life
Breed a male torterra or venusaur that know leech seed with female sceptile and voila treeko that knows leech seed
they are both great moves sleep powder is good for catching Pokemon leach seed is good in battles when you need hp
(Leftovers) -Sleep Powder -Substitute -Leech Seed -Giga Drain Excellent moveset,
heres a list of Pokemon that can learn leech seed via level up: Bulbasaur Ivysaur Venusaur Exeggute Hoppip Skiploom Jumpluff Sunkern Sunflora Shroomish Breloom Roselia Cacnea Cacturne Turtwig Grotle Torterra Cherubi Cherrim Any Pokemon would work, but Bulbasaur learns it fastest (lvl. 7)
Celebi @ Leftovers Nature: Timid/Modest Calm Mind Psychic Leech Seed Heal Bell No need for recover
only if u have a action replay
powerwhip wring out crunch and leech seed
Depends on your tactic. If you ask me, I think that Torterra can benefit from better moves but if you use Substitute in your strategy or Woodhammer then Leech Seed can be a very good move to use.
There is no rental Pokemon in in Pokemon platinum