"Licky" is a nonsensical term that likely doesn't mean anything. It may have sexual connotations related to oral sex but otherwise is not a true word or commonly used slang term.
he means what does being a sponge mean in slang
The term "outro" is a slang play on the word "intro" (introductory music). It is a musical sequence (also video in computer games) that follows the completion of the song or segment. In classical music, the term is "conclusion".
It is a slang word for that and can be an acceptable term in every day speech.
Its a type of hair style Fro slang term for afro as in afro man
It is a slang term for the word money It is a slang term for the word money It is a slang term for the word money is a slang term for the word money is a slang term for the word money
"Slang ops" is a term that is commonly used in gaming and refers to slang operations or slang tactics. It can refer to a group of players using slang or casual language, or it can mean utilizing unconventional and creative strategies in a game.
the slang term to lift it means that a person is stupid
It is slang for having sex.
The Slang term BFF Means "Best Friends Forever"
Noodle Juice is a 1920-30's slang term for tea.
Its another term for the "perineum".
Grog is a slang term for alcohol.
The slang term "crank" is another word for the illegal drug meth ampetamine.
Waterbugs is a slang term coined by Alx James. It means to ignore the haters.
The slang term fluffy bunny is used to describe someone that is ignorant.