

Best Answer

It is a slang word for that and can be an acceptable term in every day speech.

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Q: Is zat a word
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Zat Knight was born on May 2, 1980.

When was Zat Knight born?

Zat Knight was born on May 2, 1980.

How old is Zat Knight?

Zat Knight is 31 years old (birthdate: May 2, 1980).

What is zat in a mughal kingdom?

The Mansabdars were differentiated by the Zat and the Sawar Rank. The Zat referred to the number of troops maintained by the mansabdar and the Sawar referred to the number of horses maintained by the mansabdar. It was dependent on whether the king ordered the mansabdar to maintain more horses than his rank. The categories are shown below: -No. of Sawar = No. of Zat => 1st Class Mansabdar -No. of Sawar = 1/2 the No. of Zat => 2nd Class Mansabdar -No. of Sawar < 1/2 the No. of Zat => 3rd Class Mansabdar

What is the ZAT entrance?

It is not the ZAT; it is the XAT, and is the entrance exam that you need to take for XLRI Jamshedpur. (Xavier's Admission Test)

If a guy told u zat he told a girl b4 zat he likes her bt it happened zat she doesnt like him n told u zat he wont do it again unless hes sure that she likes he givin u hints that he likes u?

No. He might just like you as a friend for sharing his heart. But definetly not a boyfriend

What are the release dates for Is Zat So - 1927?

Is Zat So - 1927 was released on: USA: 15 May 1927 Portugal: June 1928

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What were zat and sawar?

The Mansabdars were differentiated by the Zat and the Sawar Rank. The Zat referred to the number of troops maintained by the mansabdar and the Sawar referred to the number of horses maintained by the mansabdar. It was dependent on whether the king ordered the mansabdar to maintain more horses than his rank

Zat yang terkandung dalam air dan minyak?

Zat yang terkandung dalam air adalah hidrogen dan oksigen, sedangkan zat yang terkandung dalam minyak adalah lipid dan asam lemak. Kedua zat tersebut memiliki sifat kimia yang berbeda dan tidak dapat larut satu sama lain.

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Don’t know what zat is