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It gives u evrythng

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Q: What does the precision cheat do on Guitar Hero 3?
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What is the Money cheat for Guitar Hero 3?

There is no such thing.

Are there cheat sheets for Guitar Hero 3 on wii?


How do you use cheat codes for PS2 Guitar Hero 3 with no guitar?

by pressing the buttons

What is the cheat code to get perfect on every song on Guitar Hero 3 for PS2?

There is not a cheat

Can you unlock Bret Michaels in the Wii Guitar Hero 3 game?

Nope, the cheat to unlock Bret Michaels as a vocalist is not included in the Wii version of Guitar Hero 3. Nope, the cheat to unlock Bret Michaels as a vocalist is not included in the Wii version of Guitar Hero 3.

What Guitar Hero 3 cheat codes are there?

Go to and their you will find all the cheat codes you need.

How do you unlock hyper speed on Guitar Hero 3?

you need to use a cheat

What does the air guitar cheat do in Guitar Hero 3?

all it does is you play without an in game instrument pretty useless

What does the cheat do in Guitar Hero 3?

which cheat? I mean, how the F*** am I supposed to answer your question if I don't know what you're talking about???

Is there a cheat to unlock the Guitar Hero battles?

You don't need a cheat, it's downloadable for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.