Nothing.... you have to take it back to prof. elm and when they relise it is DEFIANTLY a Pokemon egg his assistant will meet you in violet city and give it to you, after 12-24 hours of playing it will hatch into a togepi!
the mystery egg is a hatches after walking with it for awhile
Well on Pokemon black and white there is a mystery egg event.
The Mystery Egg is an egg you're given after beating Falkner at Violet City. It hatches into a Togepi.
sometimes if you finish a mission you can get a egg
A Manaphy Egg is a Mystery Gift Item. You need Wi-Fi connection for Mystery Gift.
in mystery gift
Mystery eggs gives item bonuses depending on what kind or color the egg is.
You cannot just get random pokemon via mystery gift whenever you want, however every now and then nintendo will give you some sort of key item or pokemon egg which you can use to get a special legendary pokemon or event. This website has daily updates and will tell you whether or not there is a mystery gift and how long it will last.
the mystery egg will be coming out Easter
key item.
the mystery egg is a hatches after walking with it for awhile
Well on Pokemon black and white there is a mystery egg event.
There really isn't a mystery item. Maybe there was an altitude limit before, but once you get the mystery item it let's you fly 45000 ft to mars
The Mystery Egg is an egg you're given after beating Falkner at Violet City. It hatches into a Togepi.
Key Item was created in 1968.
No only a Bad Egg.