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The Mystery Egg is an egg you're given after beating Falkner at Violet City. It hatches into a Togepi.

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Q: What is mystery egg in soul silver ds verison?
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Related questions

What is mystery egg in soul silver?

its a togepi as obtainable in the original gold and silver

What comes in the mystery egg in Pokemon soul silver?

it is a togepi

Can you make a latios egg in Pokemon soul silver?


How do you hatch a egg in soul silver?

walk around with it

How do you get a manphy egg in soul silver?

From Pokémon Ranger you can transfer it to Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, with a second DS and Mystery Gift. From there, trade it over to SoulSilver. Or, you can trade on Wi-fi.

Where do you get the mystery egg in silver?

you get from Mr. Pokemon in route 30.

How do you hatch a bad egg in soul silver?

u dont

How do you get a Pichu egg in soul silver?

by breeding two raichus

Can you get a shiny Pokemon out of a egg in soul silver?

Yes, you can get a shiny Pokemon out of an egg on any game.

Does riding a bike in soul silver make an egg hatch?

yes it does

What Pokemon is in the mysterious egg in Pokemon soul silver?

Togepi....i think

How do you detach a ball capsule from a bad egg on soul silver?
