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it up your special attack in battle some can learn it like meditite

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Q: What does the move meditate do in Pokemon?
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What level does meditate evolve in Pokemon Colosseum?

At level 37

When does meditate evolve in Pokemon diamond?

go to the psydex on: type in meditate and on the left click on show all scroll down intil you see it

What moves does mr mime learn in Pokemon Blue?

Mr.mime's moves: level move - barrier 15 confusion 23 light screen 31 double slap 39 meditate 47 substitute For more info click link below.

Why is Meditite called Meditite?

Meditite is a Psychic-type Pokemon. It is found in a meditating posisition, so it comes from the word 'Meditate'.

What is the evolved form of meditate?

Meditite evolves into Medicham at level 37. Medicham is, like Meditite, a fighting and psychic Pokemon.

How do you make a Pokemon sprite move?

it will only move if you have pokemon black or pokemon white.

Where is the move Pokemon?

That's just silly there is no move Pokemon

How do you move Pokemon from box1 to box2 in Pokemon emerald?

Turn any PC (in game) go to Pokemon storage go to move Pokemon select your Pokemon select move Pokemon move cursor to Box 1 press right

Sentence with meditate?

I choose to meditate in this moment.

What is a special move Pokemon?

it is a move that only some legendary pokemon have

What does the move recover do in Pokemon Red?

If a Pokemon knows that move use it and in will heal itself

Hm in Pokemon Emerald?

A HM is a move is a move that can be tought to as many Pokemon as you like but the Pokemon has to be able.