A lucky egg is an item to be held by a Pokemon.It helps the Pokemon to be able to earn twice as much EXP.It, however, does not act like a EXP Share.
Transfer in a pokémon that is holding a Lucky Egg.
Nothin' hatches from a Lucky Egg......I WISH SOMETHIN' DID!
All you have to do is wait for a chansey swarm on the radio channel Mary and Oak, and then go there with a stantler. When you run into one, Stantler will frisk and find a lucky egg. Repeat to get more. I have no idea what hatches from a lucky egg, but I know how to get them. Good luck!Lucky Egg Can be obtained, by Getting a Chansy with a Lucky Egg. I think It is One of the Rarest Item in Pokemon Games...
Players can only get the lucky egg in Pokemon Pearl from the wild Chanseys. Lucky eggs are very difficult to find in the game.
When you catch a Chansey, there's a chance it's holding a lucky egg. I have gotten several.
5% of the time will you get a Lucky Egg.
Transfer in a pokémon that is holding a Lucky Egg.
A Lucky Egg is a held item that boosts the amount of EXP. the Pokemon holding the Lucky Egg gains.
Nothin' hatches from a Lucky Egg......I WISH SOMETHIN' DID!
Actually, you get the lucky egg from Prof. Juniper when you enter the chargestone cave.
All you have to do is wait for a chansey swarm on the radio channel Mary and Oak, and then go there with a stantler. When you run into one, Stantler will frisk and find a lucky egg. Repeat to get more. I have no idea what hatches from a lucky egg, but I know how to get them. Good luck!Lucky Egg Can be obtained, by Getting a Chansy with a Lucky Egg. I think It is One of the Rarest Item in Pokemon Games...
Players can only get the lucky egg in Pokemon Pearl from the wild Chanseys. Lucky eggs are very difficult to find in the game.
you should take it and eat it up. it is a lucky egg, that means you are a lucky!! good luck. Casidii Maxfeild. A clear egg is, quite simply, an egg that is not fertile.
When you catch a Chansey, there's a chance it's holding a lucky egg. I have gotten several.
You get it as a very lucky drop from chansey
The lucky egg is an item that doubles the amount of exp that a Pokemon gives. You can get it from a Chansey if you are lucky (found near Solaceon town).
You have to catch a Chansey in the Safari Zone and it might have a lucky egg. If you catch one there is no guarantee of it having one though....