Juggernaut is a perk in the following games Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, Call of Duty World at War but it was discountinued because it caused fans of the series to get upset over enemys in online multiplayer not dying
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: Sonic Boom Call of Duty World at War: Sonic Boom Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Danger Close Call of Duty Black Ops: None.
Call of Duty 4: Deep Impact Call of Duty World at War: Deep Impact Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: FMJ gun attachment Call of Duty Black Ops: Hardened
get the perk scavenger u resuply from dead enemys
It aims for headshots whenever you aim down your sights
The Juggernaut perk on Call of Duty gives you increased health.
Juggernaut is a perk in the following games Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, Call of Duty World at War but it was discountinued because it caused fans of the series to get upset over enemys in online multiplayer not dying
Most players hate it because of the increased health when you respawn.
The juggernaut is a perk that increases your resistance to damage. There are also enemies known as juggernauts that you need to attack by shooting in the back of the head.
Juggernaut is a perk in Call of Duty 4 and Call of Duty World at War that increases the amount of health that you spawn with. It is similar to Painkiller in Modern Warfare 2 but lasts until you are killed, not for just 10 seconds.
It increases your health.
you stay alive
Because he was using Juggernaut.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Scavanger Call of Duty Black Ops: Scavanger
Use the sleight of hand perk.
Yes, they can. The perk camouflage only protects you from the Spy Plane from sensing you.