In Pokémon X and Y, the Intriguing Stone can be traded to a Hiker in Shalour City in exchange for a Sun Stone. In Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, the Intriguing Stone can be brought to Mr. Stone, who will give you a Pidgeotite. This will allow you to mega-evolve Pidgeot.
this is the wonder mail for the stone plate +XYT N4%K 8RQQ Y9HW Y@PM 5=CS
Pokemon requiring a stone to evolve:Eevee - Thunder stone, Jolteon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby) Eevee- fire stone, Flareon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Eevee- water stone, Vaporeon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Sunkern- sun stone, Sunflora (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Jigglypuff- moon stone, WigglytuffSkitty - moon stone, DelcattyNidorino- moon stone, Nidoking (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Nidorina- moon stone, Nidoqueen (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Growlithe- fire stone, Arcanine (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Gloom- sun stone, BellosumGloom- leaf stone, VileplumeStaryu- water stone, StarmiePikachu- thunder stone, RaichuLombre- water stone, LudicoloNuzleaf- leaf stone, ShiftryVulpix- fire stone, NinetalesHappiny- oval stone Chansey
There is no moon stone in POkemon raptor or pokemon raptor ex
You can not get a dawn stone in Pokemon Emerald. Infact, the dawn stone is not avalible in any of the Gameboy versions of Pokemon.
you can use a water stone on lombre
You can find a Sun Stone in Route 13, Shalour City (Give the Hiker the Intriguing Stone), Route 18, Anistar City (Go to East of Sundial and use the Dowsing Machine), and it is a reward in the Super Training. (Specifically the Drag Down Hydreigon course)
The Oval Stone only works with Chansey. During the day, when you level up a Chansey holding the stone, it will evolve
Yes. Very interesting. It is an intriguing movie, and an even more intriguing book!
You cannot find the Mega Stone for Latios in Pokémon X or Pokémon Y.
i dont know thtas y i asked i dont know thtas y i asked
I personally believe is stone edge but I might be wrong.
In Pokémon X and Y, the Chamber of Emptiness is where you can find the Banettite, which is the Mega Stone for Banette, and the Spooky Plate for Arceus.
a stone to evole Pokemon
The Pokémon that evolve with a Leaf Stone in Pokémon X and Y are:Gloom into Vileplume;Weepinbell into Victreebell;Exeggcute into Exeggutor;Nuzleaf into Shiftry;Pansage into Simisage;
this is the wonder mail for the stone plate +XYT N4%K 8RQQ Y9HW Y@PM 5=CS
Pokemon requiring a stone to evolve:Eevee - Thunder stone, Jolteon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby) Eevee- fire stone, Flareon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Eevee- water stone, Vaporeon (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Sunkern- sun stone, Sunflora (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Jigglypuff- moon stone, WigglytuffSkitty - moon stone, DelcattyNidorino- moon stone, Nidoking (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Nidorina- moon stone, Nidoqueen (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Growlithe- fire stone, Arcanine (you can't find this Pokemon in Ruby)Gloom- sun stone, BellosumGloom- leaf stone, VileplumeStaryu- water stone, StarmiePikachu- thunder stone, RaichuLombre- water stone, LudicoloNuzleaf- leaf stone, ShiftryVulpix- fire stone, NinetalesHappiny- oval stone Chansey
There is no such thing as a legend stone in pokemon.