The full incence can be held by a female snorlax then bred with a male that is compadible to make a munchlax
go to veilstone city and use rock climb on a wall and grab the poke'ball and that is the full incense.
in cianwood city
It's in the lost cave
it will let you breed munchlax's without the full incence you will get snorlax
Give it a full incense and breed it to get a Munchlax egg.
In Veilstone city; theres a wall you rock climb on.use and get the item in the pokeball, which is full incense.
go to veilstone city and use rock climb on a wall and grab the poke'ball and that is the full incense.
That item doesn't exist in leafgreen their is a sea incense and lax incense in the cave.
you can't
No, you need to find it.
in cianwood city
give snorlax full incense then breed
It's in the lost cave
it will let you breed munchlax's without the full incence you will get snorlax
go to vielston rock climb the wall and there