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Minimax also called minmax is a strategic decision making process that is suppose to help minimize losses in the case of a defeat. It is also known as a way to get the most out of a loss or minimal gain.

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Q: What does the Minimax strategy for the game theory?
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Yes, there is a unique solution.

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Minimax - Spanish TV channel - was created in 1993.

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The game is considered a game of strategy. It is a game of real time strategy and turn-based strategy.

What is maxmin minmax criteria in game theory?

This is when you choose the worst of all possible outcomes for each strategy. And then you choose again from the worst ones , but now you choose the less worst outcome. ==> Pick this strategy ! Greetings.

How do you use the word strategy in a sentence?

It is a good strategy to have a good education. His game play strategy won them the game.

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Game Theory, for sure