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Minimax also called minmax is a strategic decision making process that is suppose to help minimize losses in the case of a defeat. It is also known as a way to get the most out of a loss or minimal gain.

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Q: What does the Minimax strategy for the game theory?
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In game theory, the dominant strategy is the best choice for a player regardless of what the other players choose. It is the strategy that yields the highest payoff no matter what the other players do.

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K. Holmaker has written: 'On a minimax problem in optimal control theory'

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The minimax algorithm is a very important part of AI. This is an example using the word minimax.

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What happens which maximin and minimax values of game are same solution is exist?

Yes, there is a unique solution.

What is the relationship between Nash equilibrium and dominant strategy in game theory?

In game theory, Nash equilibrium is a situation where each player's strategy is optimal given the strategies of the other players. A dominant strategy is a strategy that is always the best choice for a player, regardless of the choices made by other players. In some cases, a dominant strategy can lead to a Nash equilibrium, but not all Nash equilibria involve dominant strategies.

What is a dominant strategy and how does it impact decision-making in game theory?

A dominant strategy is a choice that always gives a player the best outcome, regardless of what the other players do. In game theory, having a dominant strategy can simplify decision-making because it allows players to focus on choosing the best option for themselves without worrying about the actions of others.

What is the relationship between dominant strategy and Nash equilibrium in game theory?

In game theory, a dominant strategy is a player's best choice regardless of what the other player does. A Nash equilibrium is a situation where no player can improve their outcome by changing their strategy, given the strategies chosen by the other players. In some cases, a dominant strategy can lead to a Nash equilibrium, but not all Nash equilibria involve dominant strategies.

How can one determine the Nash equilibrium in game theory?

In game theory, the Nash equilibrium is determined by analyzing the strategies of each player to find a point where no player can benefit by changing their strategy. This equilibrium is reached when each player's strategy is the best response to the strategies chosen by the other players.