I think it makes the Pokemon that hold it become happy more easily but im not sure
I also heard that it is useful to chansey as it can help chansey evolve to blissey.
That's not all, the most cool is that if your Pokemon have it equipped, it gains hp when it hit opponent.
This item can be found in Mt Pyre.
If you put Soothe Bell on a Pokemon or give it Pokeblocks.
Makes your pokemon's happiness go up faster.
In salport city there is a woman looking at a picture in the Pokemon fanclub. Make sure the first Pokemon in your party has full happiness's. Then talk to her and she will give you the soothe bell.
You find a soothe bell at the Pokemon mansion
This item can be found in Mt Pyre.
If you put Soothe Bell on a Pokemon or give it Pokeblocks.
Makes your pokemon's happiness go up faster.
In salport city there is a woman looking at a picture in the Pokemon fanclub. Make sure the first Pokemon in your party has full happiness's. Then talk to her and she will give you the soothe bell.
You find a soothe bell at the Pokemon mansion
thare is no soothe bell in gold.
In salport city there is a woman looking at a picture in the Pokemon fanclub. Make sure the first Pokemon in your party has full happiness's. Then talk to her and she will give you the soothe bell.
You trade any Pokemon for Jasmine's Steelix, and it will be holding a Soothe Bell.
It can be found in mount pyre.
The are NO soothe bells you can BUY in Pokemon Diamond. but if you want you can even get a Soothe Bell for free in Pokemon Diamond, just walk to the Pokemon Mansion and walk into the rooms, one of the rooms contains a soothe bell. Hope this helps.
Nowhere. The soothe bell was introduced in ruby/sapphire
The soothe bell is found in the Pokemon Mansion on route 212. The soothe bell is given to the player by the maid on the second floor.